Lavidalida is my brand. I manipulate words and lay them on a page, it is the life I live. Feel free to scan through if you'd like!


Saturday, January 7, 2012

An open letter to my bestfriend

Dear bestfriend,

I appologize.

It's crazy that I've never known how to have a steady friendship. Moved around a lot when I was young so as soon as I made a good friend, I always had to move to a new place or lost that friend one way or another. This is actually the longest I have been in the same geographic location. I have met several people over the years, some have remained in my life, and some have not but that's besides the point.

You have remained in my life for all these years, and although I come short at showing you the impact you have made in my life, I hope this note will give you just that.

So dear friend, I want to thank you for opening me up to the world around me. Helping me become comfortable in all situations, lord knows things can get awkward. I'm aware we don't hang out like the best-est of friends or typical friends, but over the years I have noticed that all that is materialistic and superficial. I have noticed that most of the people are in it for themselves, expecting a lot but are not reciprocative. When you and I hang out, we have a BLAST, that's a connection that is hard to find-It's friendship. And when we talk and I share with you my excitement, it is almost like you are excited with me.

I love the fact that you understand me and love me for who I am and aren't quick to judge like most people are. I deeply and wholeheartedly appreciate and love you for all that you are and are growing into. I know that I have graduated and started my adult life and that you are still in school, but you have still remained supportive of me, pushing me to be better and pursue my dreams. Know that I am always here for you dear friend, and always here when you need some advice and support. You are one of the brightest and most creative people I know, and that in itself will get you so far in life.

I'am proud of you and hope to always have you in my life!

Love always,


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