Lavidalida is my brand. I manipulate words and lay them on a page, it is the life I live. Feel free to scan through if you'd like!


Saturday, October 16, 2010

FashioNation presents: Skinny Dip Fashion Show

I am part of a wonderful, always growing organization on campus called FashioNation. I have been a member since my first and the organization's first year at Texas State University, and I am currently the Public Relations chair.

Though I have been a part of other wonderful organizations on campus, I did not find a find in many of them. when choosing an organization, it is important to find a place where you fit in. A place you wouldn't mind giving your all. This organization gives me the opportunity to explore beyond my boundaries and try new and better things everytime. It is run my students, so we are in charge of every single thing that we do to make our events happen.

Nobody understands how much work goes into event planning and advertising unless they are a part of it. FashioNation is obviously a fashion organization, but we are open to many majors. It really makes me laugh at how people get scared when the word "fashion" is used in a sentence but,I will discuss this in a later article.

Well on to what the video was about, well FashioNation partnered with a store called Skinny Dip that recently opened in San Marcos, Texas to bring to the town a swimwear fashion show. The event took place at the University Heights Apartment on Fri. Oct. 15. I spoke to the store owner before the show started and he told me that he decided to open a Skinny Dip in San Marcos because there aren't any swimwear stores around. Though it might seem like they have less competition, they are still trying to get their name out there and gain more customers. The store is located right on Hopkins, and they really have some hot swimsuits!

The video that I have posted is somewhat of a recap of what happened, I love video making. Though I wish I had Final Cut Pro or iMovie to fancy up my videos and make them look more HD'ed, here is what I have.

I hope you like it!

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